Thursday, July 23, 2009


Having hit the three month period of my diet I have begun adding items back into my diet. However, I imagine I am not doing as would normally be reccommended. One day a week I have an item which is on the forbidden list. Unfortunately said item usually contains the three biggest no-nos ie. wheat, dairy and sugar.

I'm not certain there has been any change in my skin. I do notice food tastes very rich - a lot tastes floury and sugar burns. My bowels have noticed the difference which is unpleasant but not awful.

My skin has not been the best recently but I attribute that to running out of flaxseed oil rather than the change in diet. Being now in posession of flaxseed oil once again I hope to see an improvement.

What I am finding difficult is reining myself in now that I am permitted to eat outside of the diet. I did intend (and possibly still do) to eat this way for the long term but am finding myself leaning towards unhealthy foods. This indicates to me that I have some food issues which need to be sorted, if only I knew how.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Real Food

I am part of an email group called FlyLady and a month ago (June 6) I recieved a posting I would like to include here. I did contact them to ask permission but didn't hear back but will post it anyway.

'Dear Friends,

There is an interesting discussion going on in the food world among the "foodies" of the universe. Something I hinted about in an earlier Food for Thought talking about the issue of food; REAL food.

This discussion is about many different issues-- some of them are more controversial than others. The stuff that's important though, is the stuff I want to share with you and that is the identification of real food.

I know that sounds pretty ridiculous. Just writing it made me chuckle, "well of course Leanne, everyone knows what real food is," I said to myself. But do you really? Let's look at some stuff and list some of the ingredients in these food items:

What is in butter? Well, cream is in butter. That's it, end of ingredient list (unless of course you buy salted butter or butter with a coloring agent in it). But good butter is going to have ONE ingredient: cream. That's it.

What is in margarine? Well, lots of stuff. Hydrogenated oils in a lot of them, artificial coloring agents, artificial flavorings and enhancers, stabilizing agents, preservatives. Here is a list of ingredients on a well-known margarine that I found online: "water, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, salt, emulsifiers (soy lecithin, vegetable monoglycerides), xantham gum, preservatives (potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate), artificial flavor, vitamin a palmitate, colored with beta carotene (a source of vitamin A)."

Okay, raise your hand if you would willingly walk into a grocery store and ask where they kept the potassium sorbate? And do they have the vegetable monoglycerides in the produce department or where? Are these ingredients you want to eat all by themselves?

THAT is the question you need to ask yourself before you eat something—is there any one ingredient in that long list of ingredients on the back of the box, bag or package, that you would willingly to eat, all by itself?

If the answer is NO, then you are not eating REAL food. "Foods" like that are manufactured and processed and fabricated out of partially real food and a whole lot of chemical additives.

As much as possible, let's get back to REAL food! The kind with single ingredient lists even! When I'm speaking, I'll hold up an apple and ask my audience, "What's in this?" Everyone yells, "APPLE!" and laughs! When I hold up a package of apple flavored chips or fruit leathers or some such thing, I'll ask the same thing and everyone mumbles and looks at each other. You know why, too, don't you? Because we don't know. We can guess, but we really don't know unless we read the list. And even then, can you identify half that stuff?

This is the stuff we're giving our children for snacks. This is the stuff we're eating because it's only 100 calories (there is a proliferation of expensive 100 calorie snacks out there!). This is the stuff we're wasting our money on and then we complain because food costs so much at the grocery store, we've got visible body clutter issues that we're unhappy about and we're hungry all the time!

Real food is the answer to ALL of this. It's cheaper (oh yes it is!!), it takes up more room in your tummy, quells your appetite and feeds you both body AND soul. Real food helps you lose the body clutter—both the kind you can see and the kind you can't.

It's time to take a stand ladies (and gents). Real food has been around since your great grandmother. It doesn't have fancy names, huge expensive PR campaigns or any other gimmick going on. Real food is FUEL for living the kind of lives we want!

Will you join me in eating REAL food this week? Let's get REAL and stop the insanity of all this crazy mixed up fake food! It's literally weighing us down and wrecking our health!

Leanne Ely
Follow me,'

Sunday, June 7, 2009


My plain diet seems to have improved my sense of smell. I often know specifically what Gareth is eating by the smell and even knew he had jalapeno peppers in his bag (while it was closed). Perhaps I'm also smelling phantom scents as last week during lunch I accused my parents of having chocolate.

I went to the gym on Friday afternoon, the first time in a long while. My thighs look so much slimmer on the bike (which still hurts my butt). The workout wasn't as easy as I remembered, I will need to build back up.

Quintessence sent my pills to an address that doesn't exist but they still managed to find their way to me. The Bacto Cand GI tablets make my belly hurt but I won't use the other product which is meant to settle the pain because it is derived from shellfish - something I would have prefered to know before spending $52. I am optomistic that this round will fix me.

Monday, May 25, 2009


I'm almost two months into this diet. Originally I would be two-thirds of the way through. Since it's been extended I am only one-third.

Quintessence are sending me more of the Bacto Canda GI tablets along with some others which give people a lot of relief. Unfortunately they aren't getting their stock in till this Friday so I am unlikely to get them till next week. The woman I spoke to said a lot of people with eczema have found it works, that it is spillage from the digestive tract which causes their skin problems.

At the moment I'm not sleeping very well. I had prominent bags under my eyes this weekend. I was excited on Monday because they weren't so bad.

I'm still itchy. My skin still sheds. Both are better than they have been. I bite my nails so I can't stratch much. I no longer weep or scab but I don't know if that is due to lack of sufficent stratching or something else.

My Miracle Solution makes me want to vomit so I don't really take it. It smells like chlorine but I bathe in it - not every day but I still find it inconvenient. I want a swimming cap so I can bathe without wetting my hair as then I have to try wash it from out of the bath and it never seems to get really clean.

Lately I've been seriously tempted to cheat on my diet. I've been dreaming about it. Several times. Reality and dreams blur. It would just make me really sick, I'm sure. When I go to Australia about this time next month I am going to buy a giant Toblerone.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I believe that stress has a great role to play in my skin problems. I have been having issues at work and my skin went bad again. I had been so excited that the goodness had lasted a whole week. I feel like I need a week away from everything perferably somewhere in the sun (as this helps too).

I saw Karen yesterday, we had big talks. I also tried one of her massage chairs, so very very lovely though my back feels a little bruised. Brenda came with me and also had a treatment. She bought a pendant which is meant to both heal and shield you, I'm wearing it right now, we plan to share it. Karen put me on a new miracle cure aptly called 'Miracle Mineral Solution' I'm supposed to take it as well as bathe in it. I also quite literally froze negativity by writing the persons name and a short message and putting it in the freezer.

Karen told me I'm going to start sorting out my life and moving forward, this should be interesting. I hope life starts to be easier.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Invisible Glove

I've tried all the 'miracle' products before and they never worked till now. There was an article on Campbell Live about this amazing cream called The Invisible Glove. I only saw a bit of it and immediately looked up this product on the internet.

I found Dermoshield, the invisible glove here ($21 for 125g, I bought it and it’s amazing). However I looked on the Campbell Live website I found a link () to what they were actually talking about which was called Naturalene the invisible glove. However they said it wasn’t available in NZ but I found it here . This one is apparently quite thick, they recommend using water to help. Anyway I’ve only tried the first one. My skin has stayed good since Saturday, not as good as it was on Saturday admittedly but better than it has been for a very long time. The best is that it’s lasted, the last two times the goodness only lasted for two days at the most.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


An excerpt from my original diagnosis by Allergenics:
6-8 Strong Intolerance 'avoid for 3 months.'
Sugar/White/Brown/Honey 6
Wheat 6
All Dairy 6

An excerpt from a email in reply to a query:
'A score of 6 for wheat (and dairy and sugar) is quite considerable, so you may want to avoid as much of it as possible for 6 months. The 3 month time-frame is based on complete avoidance.'
Does this mean that I should avoid for 6 months or mostly avoid for 6 months? I suppose I could just be less vigilant. However, they are not the highest in the category, they are the lowest in the category so I am confused why it is 'quite considerable.'

In response to my panic that I couldn't eat porridge because it contained gluten:
'Wheat is not gluten. Wheat contains gluten proteins. So if a product says 'gluten free' it will be fine for you (check other ingredients such as sugars and dairy though). Other forms of gluten containing grains includebarley, oats and rye which you have not reacted to. Rice, soaked millet, buckwheat, quinoa are complete non-gluten grains.'

While channel surfing I came across a documentary on an amazing product for skin. It showed the obligatory cute kids (twin boys) who had a 70% improvement in one day. I immediately searched the internet and found who sold DermoShield, the Invisible Glove. (They emailed me the next day as they'd given me the wrong bank account, bad work practices.) I am looking forward to this and will let you know when it arrives.

Monday, April 20, 2009


My sister tells me that it should take 6 weeks to see any results, that is what she was told when her daughter was reacting to substances passed through the breast milk. This comforts me, perhaps I'm not wasting my time.

Today I began performing exercises in my office as a precursor to gyming next week. I am trying to not push myself. I am frustrated at how well I was doing and don't want to loose any ground. I am sure that my weight loss will speed up also.

Last night my skin did not weep. I was still itchy. I would like very much to be able to sleep through the night.

My skin has been like this for it feels a very long time. My sister has been sick for two months. And now my grandparents are both ill too, my grandfather on his last road which we are sure my grandmother will follow him down. There is a lot going on, I feel sad but not depressed. I need a lot of affection and comfort.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Couriers and Invoices

I ordered over 3 litres of moisturiser from Karen and collected it from the courier today. Thankfully she didn't have to wait for my money to come through as I put it in the wrong account and it bounced back - I thought this is why we had internet banking, to stop this from happening? Yay the modern age and invoices, I had overpaid her by 40 cents but thats no big deal. It came so quickly, I only spoke to her this week! The added bonus is that it's huge so I won't need to buy more for a while, she was nice enough to sell me what is meant to be for the shops use only.

My skin is still rather itchy but seems to be handling it better. Last night it didn't weep everywhere for which I am grateful. I am very much looking forward to not shedding skin everywhere though it may take a while for it to really get out of my clothes.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Three weeks

I am now three weeks into this diet. I am not seeing any improvements, I am tired and hungry most of the time. Yesterday my skin looked as though it may start behaving but then it had me awake for hours last night.

I had my first weighin for Weight Watchers since we've restarted, I lost 400 grams though I had hoped to lose 700. Sue, our leader talked about how important it was to not overload ourselves. I should be focusing just on sticking to my diet at the moment, worrying about weight and exercise is too much. I have increased my fat intake phemonally through nuts, and various pairings of potato and oil.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I spent my day with a friend who recommended I should start eating more Asian food with which I agree. We had Japanese for lunch today and on Thursday night I had Indian for dinner. Thankfully I enjoy Asian food though it has also encouraged me to try more than I had previously.

My skin has still not improved though underneath it has remained healthier. I am frustrated and disillusioned.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


It appears that Easter is truly upon us. Evidenced not by the long weekend (and short week) but by the presence of chocolate and hot cross buns in my meeting this morning. I wasn't even able to drink the green tea provided as it contained lemon.

I ordinarily love Easter. Not that I have many eggs but I do particularly enjoy creme eggs. Now they are not even an option.

Yesterday having no food for lunch I walked to the supermarket and visited BurgerFuel on the way. The smartest thing to do would have been to have a vegan burger on gluten free bun. Sadly I didn't think about what else might have been in the burger with the aioli I asked to be removed. So I had dairy and sugar too. Although I did have a soy shake which was intentional sugar but it was so very very good.

Last night I was very itchy and my skin ended up weeping (though less than previously). I had little sleep. I worry of course that it will be like last time my skin improved, it last for a day or two then regressed. I am hoping that any difference was a fluke or due to my bad eating yesterday.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


My skin is even better today than it was yesterday, it happens so quickly! Last night I lay awake scratching most of it but without the same result as previously; no scabbing, no weeping, no large amounts of pain.

My (huge) bottle of Flaxseed oil capsules arrived from Isis yesterday. Included was a note from Karen apologising for the delay as they had been sent elsewhere and a free deodorant (without alcohol or aluminium) which smells like vanilla. I plan to give my smaller bottle of capsules that I bought at the supermarket to my brother. I will use the capsules from Isis once I have finished the liquid.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Flaxseed Oil

I would reccommend this to anyone with skin complaints. I'm sure this has been the reason my skin has improved - parts of it feel almost normal. Healthy skin is evident below the patches of dryness and my shedding has decreased.

I received the extra fancy Flaxseed Oil from Quintessence (the natropaths who work with Allergenics) yesterday. I foolishly believed the back of the bottle which claimed it tasted good. It is yet another medicine to force myself to consume. I much perfer capsules of which I have some remaining from my supermarket. I am still waiting for those which are coming from Isis.

I never mentioned receiving my medicines from Quintessence. They arrived on Friday and were beautifully wrapped in green tissue paper, an orange ribbon threaded with a fake flower. Enclosed in this package was; eczema cream, a jar of pills for GI (gastro-intestinal, that's the stomach/bowel area) health and pills to aid sleeping (they produce melotonin which we produce naturally). I like the smell of the eczema cream but my husband doesn't, I haven't used it much but was attempted to test it by using only on the left side of my body. My GI pills I was to take for five days and having come to the end of this cycle I hope it clears up my toilet habits (if not then I need to worry). I haven't yet used the sleeping pills, a blessing.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Eating Out

I thought I had the perfect weekend planned for testing the new diet (as well as testing waiting staff). However my two dinners out turned into one, and that not 'out' but at a friends place. We made sushi but my husband didn't like it. I intend to make myself sushi at home, I just wish that it kept so I could make some for the whole week like I do with popcorn and nuts.

I did however also have lunch at my parents on Sunday. Luckily my mother can't eat gluten either and gluten-free food is often dairy free. I was able to eat pancakes from a mix. I was appalled that Golden Syrup is basically sugar and water - how on earth could my mother allow us to eat that?

My first trip to Commonsense Organics with intimidating and expensive. Sadly the bread I bought smells awful and I had to force myself to eat it this morning.

I am a bit concerned about my stomach pains and accompanying toilet habits but will discuss this with my mother today. One of the supplements from Allergenics is for GI health so this may be the cause.

On another note my sister is helping one of her friends who thinks she may have food allergies, she asked about my two natropaths. The email I sent is below:
It cost $99, I paid for this via internet banking. They also do hair test for minerals eg. do you have enough iron etc, this costs the same. (I looked at getting it done via a shop but they use this service and charge 300 for it) They will send a list of your intolerances with a rating, accompanying documentation describing in further detail and a prescription (which you can then call and ask them to send - this is extra cost). It says it takes 4 weeks but it took longer for me (I paid 9 February, they tested 23 March, I recieved results 27 March). It's $60 for a half hour consultation (I didn't do this as I've already spent sooo much money on this whole thing). I paid by credit card (debit card) for this service I don't know if you can pay in other ways. I'm not sure of Karen's new phone number but I know Mum has it and I think her old number still forwards to it. I think it might be (04) 234 1338 which is on the website to query orders. Karen is lovely and really wants to help people. Probably best to read her (longwinded) website I suppose. She has a computer machine thingy that she hooks you up to and it 'reads' you and heals you. I don't know how else to explain it. She also does supplements etc.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Week One

I have survived my first week. I feel tired and my skin doesn't appear to be any better. I did however get my period today which could be why I was so emotional this week.

This morning I made myself porridge with almonds, apple and banana. It tasted healthy but not wholesome, I am sick of everything tasting wholesome. I want some more gluten free bread (hard to find without sugar or yeast apparently) so I can have peanut butter.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Weight Watchers

Two weeks ago I completed a 13 week programme of Weight Watchers at Work (I even got a prize). We started back again today. I had hoped to loose 2 kgs but only lost 1.3. Thinking that my current diet was close to the old Core plan I asked one of the members. Sadly you are to allocate points for any nuts on the Core plan, I eat a lot of these. I really hope I do manage to continue loosing weight, I would be very upset if this made me gain weight instead. I did unfortunately eat fries for lunch as I coudln't find anything else within my strict contraints. I had hot soy since I don't drink coffee and can't have hot chocolate, I will get used to it. (Thankfully they didn't charge me much.)

I wonder if my skin was ever really better in that brief period where it appeared to be. Perhaps my dedication to not scratching had merely paid off. So far my skin is not responding. The night before last my entire chest was weeping. Last night I sobbed for a good half an hour at the pain. I've started putting plasters on the smaller areas with broken skin, I wish I had large bandages.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I'm glad I was the one who booked the catering for our training today. Although they did give us the incorrect order there was still plenty I could eat and feel satisfied. I've discovered that Sushi is quite tasty.

I have finished my first loaf of gluten free bread, the first taste was best sadly.

I wonder if my skin isn't bad again because I haven't had flax oil for weeks.

I keep reminding myself that I can handle this. This too shall pass.

Monday, March 30, 2009

One Day At A Time

Today is day 3 of my new diet (lifestyle?) and as I told my father at lunch only 87 days to go.

I was given a good tip from a colleague who chooses to not eat wheat or sugar. She said to feel satisfied I need to include protein, such as nuts, with each meal. Having already discovered how much I enjoy peanut butter on gluten free toast breakfast is taken care of but I can't eat almonds all day.

My goal at the moment with both my diet and my skin (which is the cause of all this) is to take each day as it comes. Like the advice given to chronic worries; do one thing at a time. So, borrowing from AA (scary cult that they are) I will deal with one day at a time. Thinking about the pain or the dauntingly boring diet will not help, today is today, I will not think about the future, I need only survive today and hope that tomorrow will be better.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I find myself an object of myself. I want to view myself from a distance and note as the weeks pass the weight loss caused by the new diet but be ignorant of the cause. I want to be someone on the outside so that when I discover the truth I can say 'I'm so impressed at how well she's coping.' I want the frustration to be someone elses.

It's either sink or swim. My husband tells me there is no sinking. You always swim. Because you have to. So I'll just start paddling.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


For $100 and a swatch of hair this company will diagnose all your allergies.
Thankfully I have no allergies but the list of intolerances is long and problematic.
Orange, sugar (white, brown, honey), wheat, all dairy, tomato, kiwifruit, yeast, onion, garlic and sulphites (preservative).

For the next three months (bring on July!) I will abstain from these substances.

For my first day I visited the supermarket:

Thankfully most vegetarian food already don't contain dairy, some are even gluten free but I was only able to locate two which were also without sugar, onion, garlic or preservatives.

Being unable now to eat Marmite I decided to reintroduce Peanut Butter to my diet. I don't care if it's fatty, it's tasty and my diet could easily lack in taste. I was only able to locate one (Sanitarium Classic) without sugar.

I almost cried in the cereal aisle to discover that 'the health food company' Sanitarium's Cornies and Ricies both contained sugar, I didn't read past the second item on each list.

I had thought Oven Fries would be a simple issue. I was wrong. Of the many (many) varieties of Fries I located one solitary style, unique within it's own brand, which did not include sugar in the form of dextrose.

Monday, January 5, 2009

I watched a rather frightening programme during the holidays (what else is there to do but watch random TV) about celebrity size zeros. Having always been a bit on the larger side myself I cannnot understand how people are capable of shrinking themselves so much. Celebrities have always been smaller than the average, the camera adds ten pounds and they need to combat that, but lately it has been getting worse.

When 'Friends' started the actresses were all normal sizes (or at least appeared to be)but at the close Lisa Kudrow was the only one who didn't resemble a scarecrow and she's the one with hair that often looked like it should adorn the head of someone complaining about lack of brain (but then however her character...). I contemplate in wonder how Jennifer Anniston's head holds up the weight of her hair - remember those talks about Barbie? were she human her head would callopse with the weight of her hair and her internal organs would be squished, not to mention the face plants bought on by her ridiculous chest.

Stick figure extradionare Kiera Knightly claims to not suffer from anorexia which I believe to be a scandalous falsehood. I agree that it is not a subject to take lightly; a friend of mine suffered and looked at one point like she had vacationed in a concentration camp. Her head was mishapen and appeared somehow larger than usual - who knew there was fat in the skull? - her vertebrae I could count with ease, even able to discern her transverse processes. I maintain a healthy appetite and although I'm trying to get to a healthier size when I find myself obsessing I reach for the chocolate.