Wednesday, April 8, 2009


It appears that Easter is truly upon us. Evidenced not by the long weekend (and short week) but by the presence of chocolate and hot cross buns in my meeting this morning. I wasn't even able to drink the green tea provided as it contained lemon.

I ordinarily love Easter. Not that I have many eggs but I do particularly enjoy creme eggs. Now they are not even an option.

Yesterday having no food for lunch I walked to the supermarket and visited BurgerFuel on the way. The smartest thing to do would have been to have a vegan burger on gluten free bun. Sadly I didn't think about what else might have been in the burger with the aioli I asked to be removed. So I had dairy and sugar too. Although I did have a soy shake which was intentional sugar but it was so very very good.

Last night I was very itchy and my skin ended up weeping (though less than previously). I had little sleep. I worry of course that it will be like last time my skin improved, it last for a day or two then regressed. I am hoping that any difference was a fluke or due to my bad eating yesterday.

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