Monday, March 30, 2009

One Day At A Time

Today is day 3 of my new diet (lifestyle?) and as I told my father at lunch only 87 days to go.

I was given a good tip from a colleague who chooses to not eat wheat or sugar. She said to feel satisfied I need to include protein, such as nuts, with each meal. Having already discovered how much I enjoy peanut butter on gluten free toast breakfast is taken care of but I can't eat almonds all day.

My goal at the moment with both my diet and my skin (which is the cause of all this) is to take each day as it comes. Like the advice given to chronic worries; do one thing at a time. So, borrowing from AA (scary cult that they are) I will deal with one day at a time. Thinking about the pain or the dauntingly boring diet will not help, today is today, I will not think about the future, I need only survive today and hope that tomorrow will be better.

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