Monday, January 5, 2009

I watched a rather frightening programme during the holidays (what else is there to do but watch random TV) about celebrity size zeros. Having always been a bit on the larger side myself I cannnot understand how people are capable of shrinking themselves so much. Celebrities have always been smaller than the average, the camera adds ten pounds and they need to combat that, but lately it has been getting worse.

When 'Friends' started the actresses were all normal sizes (or at least appeared to be)but at the close Lisa Kudrow was the only one who didn't resemble a scarecrow and she's the one with hair that often looked like it should adorn the head of someone complaining about lack of brain (but then however her character...). I contemplate in wonder how Jennifer Anniston's head holds up the weight of her hair - remember those talks about Barbie? were she human her head would callopse with the weight of her hair and her internal organs would be squished, not to mention the face plants bought on by her ridiculous chest.

Stick figure extradionare Kiera Knightly claims to not suffer from anorexia which I believe to be a scandalous falsehood. I agree that it is not a subject to take lightly; a friend of mine suffered and looked at one point like she had vacationed in a concentration camp. Her head was mishapen and appeared somehow larger than usual - who knew there was fat in the skull? - her vertebrae I could count with ease, even able to discern her transverse processes. I maintain a healthy appetite and although I'm trying to get to a healthier size when I find myself obsessing I reach for the chocolate.

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