Thursday, April 23, 2009


An excerpt from my original diagnosis by Allergenics:
6-8 Strong Intolerance 'avoid for 3 months.'
Sugar/White/Brown/Honey 6
Wheat 6
All Dairy 6

An excerpt from a email in reply to a query:
'A score of 6 for wheat (and dairy and sugar) is quite considerable, so you may want to avoid as much of it as possible for 6 months. The 3 month time-frame is based on complete avoidance.'
Does this mean that I should avoid for 6 months or mostly avoid for 6 months? I suppose I could just be less vigilant. However, they are not the highest in the category, they are the lowest in the category so I am confused why it is 'quite considerable.'

In response to my panic that I couldn't eat porridge because it contained gluten:
'Wheat is not gluten. Wheat contains gluten proteins. So if a product says 'gluten free' it will be fine for you (check other ingredients such as sugars and dairy though). Other forms of gluten containing grains includebarley, oats and rye which you have not reacted to. Rice, soaked millet, buckwheat, quinoa are complete non-gluten grains.'

While channel surfing I came across a documentary on an amazing product for skin. It showed the obligatory cute kids (twin boys) who had a 70% improvement in one day. I immediately searched the internet and found who sold DermoShield, the Invisible Glove. (They emailed me the next day as they'd given me the wrong bank account, bad work practices.) I am looking forward to this and will let you know when it arrives.

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