Sunday, June 7, 2009


My plain diet seems to have improved my sense of smell. I often know specifically what Gareth is eating by the smell and even knew he had jalapeno peppers in his bag (while it was closed). Perhaps I'm also smelling phantom scents as last week during lunch I accused my parents of having chocolate.

I went to the gym on Friday afternoon, the first time in a long while. My thighs look so much slimmer on the bike (which still hurts my butt). The workout wasn't as easy as I remembered, I will need to build back up.

Quintessence sent my pills to an address that doesn't exist but they still managed to find their way to me. The Bacto Cand GI tablets make my belly hurt but I won't use the other product which is meant to settle the pain because it is derived from shellfish - something I would have prefered to know before spending $52. I am optomistic that this round will fix me.

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