Sunday, April 24, 2011

1.8 (8) I Robot, You Jane

Willow gets a love interest other than just making moon eyes at Xander it's just unfortunate that he is a demon...on the internet. Apparently scanning a book with a demon in it will then release that demon onto the internet (beware what you scan!). The demon is a nasty piece of work, making people pledge their love for him before killing them. He thrives on the internet amongst other equally nasty people (just because it's anonymous doesn't make it ok). Luckily the computer teacher Miss Calendar is also a witch (but we know that's not the whole story...wait till next season) and quite happy to help Giles out by doing more than flirting. Demon boy gets stuck in a robot body, Willow is not impressed, Buffy kills him. They all mourn the large part that weird plays in their love lives.

Next week is the season one final so I am behind three episodes. Four has annoying changed the time to 9.30 making it unwatchable.

1.7 (7) Angel

Buffy finds out Angel is a vampire when they kiss (in her bedroom gasp!), silly her for inviting him into her house. Darla is still in love with him so she goes after Buffy with a pair of guns which is just...tacky.

Other plot points: The Bronze closed to get a bug bomb, three scary vamps fail and the master just kills them (what a waste), they work out that Angel is Angelous (jealous much?), Darla frames Angel for biting Buffy's mother, aaaaannnndddd Buffy discovers cross bows!

HCG diet

I heard about this diet from a rather pushy woman at a health and beauty place. Basically the diet consists of starving yourself on 500 calories a day whilst taking homeopathic drops of HCG (the injections are not available in NZ). HCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy, it is the hormone which indicates a woman is pregnant. The hormone is said to release stored fat and nutrients into the blood stream giving the person enough to live off so they won't feel hungry on the diet. Eating less and (in theory) releasing fat results in the weight loss. The dieter is monitored throughout the process, if they gain weight they are put on a 6 apple day diet.

I may be going on this diet, if I do I will track it as I did my previous one.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

1.6 (6) The Pack

High school is hell, it is also a zoo and apparently at this one there is no teacher supervision.

At the Bronze Willow is eating raisins, I eat those raisins too! I do find this more important than the storyline. Xander is being a dick, he makes pigs squeal, he throws balls, he is mean to Willow, he hangs out with the mean kids. They laugh, steal other peoples food, then eat a pig. Giles declares "It's devastating, he's turned into a 16 year old boy." Xander misses out on principal snacks (who has a photo of themselves on their desk?) because he's trying to rape Buffy but she gets the upper hand and locks him in the library cage (which will later house werewolf Oz and vampire Willow). The possessed kids break in and break out Xander, Buffy lures them back to the zoo where the creepy zoo keeper gets possessed then it's his turn to get eaten.

Xander pretends he's forgotten everything but Giles is on to him. Oh poor Xander but at least he didn't eat the principal...I wonder what happened to the mean kids?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

1.5 (5) Never Kill a Boy on the First Date

Graveyard: Buffy puns, Giles critiques. Vampire has poofed but his ring hasn't.

Oooh hey Master! Haven't seen you in a while, looks like you might have stayed in the bath for too long. Dusty book, prophecy, overacting. The Master is a badass "here endeth the lesson."

Ring research. Boy checks out Buffy and a book. Giles is antiamerican (and they let him on TV?). Cordelia is bitchy and self centred. Boy and Buffy make a date. Giles talks prophecy and 'abuses sarcasm.' Buffy in a ridiculous animal print jacket hangs out in a graveyard with Giles then bails to meet the boy.

Bus: cute kid, creepy guy, crash, vampires. I'm a little bit glad that the creepy religious guy gets eaten by vampires.

Buffy is wearing a bullseye in case you miss her chest, she babbles then sets a new date with the boy. Buffy babbles at Giles. The Master postures and reminds you he's trapped (in case you forgot). Xander acts like a jealous boy despite being treated like a girl. Buffy (yet again) wears a short skirt and knee high boots. Giles thinks creepy guy is prophecy guy.

Another song from the album! The boy talks about poetry (in a bar, a-huh), Buffy is bored so they dance. Miss Bitchalot is bitchy. Giles is investigaty and gets cornered by vampires. Miss Bitchalot is bitchy. Angel postures. The Scoobies arrive and pretend to date to lure Buffy to save Giles, the boy follows. Giles has hidden in one of the freezer drawers (ew). The office seems like safe place for the non-heros to hide except that behind the curtains is a body - which then turns into a vampire. Thankfully crazy guy vampire is just as preachy which gives the guys time to get away. After interference from the boy (and believing he is dead) Buffy puts crazy guy vampire in the furnace.

The next day Buffy breaks up with the boy when she discovers he was excited by the danger. Giles gives a speech, Buffy apologies. The End...right? Theatrical Master, baby boy anointed one! Oooh.

1.4 (4) Teachers Pet

Opening sequence: Xanders daydream.

Cut to classroom, Buffy in totally inappropriate for school knee high boots and short skirt is told by her teacher that he actually thinks she has some sort of chance of achieving something in life which of course means he's going to die...which he does as soon as Buffy leaves the room. (On a side note to high school science teachers really wear lab coats?)

Opening Credits

The Bronze where a band is playing one of the songs from the Buffy album and Xander is being loser-y. Angel appears to show up even more how little of a man Xander is. (Who wears a wifebeater under a leather jacket - or at all?) Despite his bad fashion sense Buffy lurves him because he has muscles oooh and scratches.

Dun-dun missing science guy. Enter hot new teacher, all boys drool on cue. Xander again shows his little manliness. Preying Mantis class, teacher is scarily excited about it (foreshadowing much?). Boys drool.

Cafeteria. Do schools in America really have these? Hmm, I'm hungry. Though not for that food. Especially after Miss Bitchalot finds science guy's headless body.

Pointless planning session with pointless reminder about the Master (he is the big bad for this season, don't forget he's still there). Xander says something witty, Buffy lies to Giles.

Buffy looking for bad guys finds a drunk, a homeless guy and eventually a vampire that is scared way by the hot new teacher. Oh, also he has some sort of Wolverine thing going on.

'Yes, I lied. I'm a bad person, let's move on,' Buffy says as she explains her night to Giles. Then surprisingly she actually goes to class! But is intercepted to see a counselor causing her to be late enough to catch hot new teacher doing a 180 with her head.

Count: 3 scenes from the opening credits!

Hot new teacher is acting suspicious, Xander is oblivious. Buffy actually does her own research. 'Wasn't here, didn't see it, couldn't have stopped you,' says Giles in response to hacking by Willow. Xander is oblivious. Hot new teacher is both slutty and scary. Xander is drugged and oblivious and then unconscious. Hot new teacher has the boys in a playpen but they are not happy.

Buffy to the rescue! After a false start with the real Miss French Buffy uses Wolverine Vampire as a GPS and arrives to save Xander from being insect food. Using bug spray and bat sonar to subdue her teacher Buffy then 'slices and dices.' The playthings are more concerned that their manliness has been questioned than that they escaped from death.

Angel baits Buffy then gives her his jacket (does that mean they're dating?).

Ominous view of egg sacks - but we've watched the rest of Buffy so we know they never hatch into any trouble.

Buffy Update

Due to the combined suckiness of my sisters (for never being available) and Four (for slotting Buffy at such a time as to make her unavailable) I am not only behind on my Buffy watching but am likely to watch all of it with (or without) my husband from our prerecorded stock.

Last night Four screened episode seven; Angel making me a whole four episodes behind which I hope to catch up on (at least partly) today.

Sookie Stakehouse Stories

In order:
Dead Until Dark
Living Dead in Dallas
Dead to the World
Fairy Dust (short story in Powers of Detection)
Dancers in the Dark (short story in Night's Edge - Sookie does not appear)
Dracula Night (short story in Many Bloody Returns)
Dead as a Doornail
One Word Answer (short story in Bite)
Definitely Dead
Tacky (short story in My Big, Fat, Supernatural Wedding- Sookie does not appear)
All Together Dead
Dahlia Underground (short story in Crimes by Moonlight - Sookie does not appear)
Lucky (short story in Unusual Suspects)
From Dead to Worse
Gift Wrap (short story in Wolfsbane and Mistletoe)
Dead and Gone
Bacon (short story in Strange Brew - Sookie does not appear)
The Britlingens Go To Hell (short story in Must Love Hellhounds - Sookie does not appear)
Dead in the Family
Two Blondes (short story in Death's Excellent Vacation)
Dead Reckoning

These titles appear together in A Touch of Dead

Sunday, February 27, 2011

1.3 (3) The Witch

I watched this episode the night it screened at home with my husband.

Buffy tries out for Cheerleading and discovers a witch cursing cheerleaders so she can become one. Curses: burning hands, blindness, drunken behaviour followed by weakness which will lead to death and, body switching. If only magic actually worked like this, not the cursing people but getting what you want. It was interesting to see how they first introduced magic as of course Willow becomes a witch (much later). Watch out for several scenes from the starting during the course of the episode.

Funny parts:

Buffy opening a box with her hands after her mother was struggling with a crow bar

Buffy referring to Xander as her “Xander shaped friend”

Amy (once she’s reclaimed her body) saying “I’m thinking of getting fat”

Friday, February 25, 2011

1.2 (2) The Harvest

I watched this episode at home with my husband after it screened on TV.

Best moments:

“My husband dancing and singing ‘Hey nah, hey nah, Buffy’s back!’

The Masters “You’ve got something in your eye” was the most real (and awesome) of the overly theatrical master scenes.

When Willow tells Cordelia to “Deliver” the programme (Del = Delete not Deliver).

Awesome Quotes:

“I need to sit down”

“You are sitting down”

“Oh, good for me”

“It may be that you can wrest some information from this dread machine. (pause) That was a bit British wasn’t it?”

“I don’t like Vampires. I’m going to take a stand and say they aren’t good.”

Quotes to use in daily life:

“I am so mentally challenged!”

“I exhibit no surprise.”

“Who gave you permission to exist?”

Saturday, February 19, 2011

1.1 (1) Welcome to the Hellmouth

I was so excited that Channel Four (no longer C4) decided to screen Buffy from the very beginning. My first viewing had been from mid second season so this time I planned to revisit it in the correct order.
I watched at my sisters house in my pajamas, which included a "I <3 Buffy" (only fit for sleepwear).

I forgot that Buffy had brown hair for the pilot, which quickly becomes blonded. Allyson Hannigan looks very young.
Now Julie Benz has super powers again - as a speedy mother in No Ordinary Family.
Angel is now a FBI agent - how things change - and who knew that he could act as he is completely believable. I remember how my friends in high school used to sigh over him, I didn't ever understand it.