Saturday, March 26, 2011

1.5 (5) Never Kill a Boy on the First Date

Graveyard: Buffy puns, Giles critiques. Vampire has poofed but his ring hasn't.

Oooh hey Master! Haven't seen you in a while, looks like you might have stayed in the bath for too long. Dusty book, prophecy, overacting. The Master is a badass "here endeth the lesson."

Ring research. Boy checks out Buffy and a book. Giles is antiamerican (and they let him on TV?). Cordelia is bitchy and self centred. Boy and Buffy make a date. Giles talks prophecy and 'abuses sarcasm.' Buffy in a ridiculous animal print jacket hangs out in a graveyard with Giles then bails to meet the boy.

Bus: cute kid, creepy guy, crash, vampires. I'm a little bit glad that the creepy religious guy gets eaten by vampires.

Buffy is wearing a bullseye in case you miss her chest, she babbles then sets a new date with the boy. Buffy babbles at Giles. The Master postures and reminds you he's trapped (in case you forgot). Xander acts like a jealous boy despite being treated like a girl. Buffy (yet again) wears a short skirt and knee high boots. Giles thinks creepy guy is prophecy guy.

Another song from the album! The boy talks about poetry (in a bar, a-huh), Buffy is bored so they dance. Miss Bitchalot is bitchy. Giles is investigaty and gets cornered by vampires. Miss Bitchalot is bitchy. Angel postures. The Scoobies arrive and pretend to date to lure Buffy to save Giles, the boy follows. Giles has hidden in one of the freezer drawers (ew). The office seems like safe place for the non-heros to hide except that behind the curtains is a body - which then turns into a vampire. Thankfully crazy guy vampire is just as preachy which gives the guys time to get away. After interference from the boy (and believing he is dead) Buffy puts crazy guy vampire in the furnace.

The next day Buffy breaks up with the boy when she discovers he was excited by the danger. Giles gives a speech, Buffy apologies. The End...right? Theatrical Master, baby boy anointed one! Oooh.

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