Thursday, July 23, 2009


Having hit the three month period of my diet I have begun adding items back into my diet. However, I imagine I am not doing as would normally be reccommended. One day a week I have an item which is on the forbidden list. Unfortunately said item usually contains the three biggest no-nos ie. wheat, dairy and sugar.

I'm not certain there has been any change in my skin. I do notice food tastes very rich - a lot tastes floury and sugar burns. My bowels have noticed the difference which is unpleasant but not awful.

My skin has not been the best recently but I attribute that to running out of flaxseed oil rather than the change in diet. Being now in posession of flaxseed oil once again I hope to see an improvement.

What I am finding difficult is reining myself in now that I am permitted to eat outside of the diet. I did intend (and possibly still do) to eat this way for the long term but am finding myself leaning towards unhealthy foods. This indicates to me that I have some food issues which need to be sorted, if only I knew how.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Real Food

I am part of an email group called FlyLady and a month ago (June 6) I recieved a posting I would like to include here. I did contact them to ask permission but didn't hear back but will post it anyway.

'Dear Friends,

There is an interesting discussion going on in the food world among the "foodies" of the universe. Something I hinted about in an earlier Food for Thought talking about the issue of food; REAL food.

This discussion is about many different issues-- some of them are more controversial than others. The stuff that's important though, is the stuff I want to share with you and that is the identification of real food.

I know that sounds pretty ridiculous. Just writing it made me chuckle, "well of course Leanne, everyone knows what real food is," I said to myself. But do you really? Let's look at some stuff and list some of the ingredients in these food items:

What is in butter? Well, cream is in butter. That's it, end of ingredient list (unless of course you buy salted butter or butter with a coloring agent in it). But good butter is going to have ONE ingredient: cream. That's it.

What is in margarine? Well, lots of stuff. Hydrogenated oils in a lot of them, artificial coloring agents, artificial flavorings and enhancers, stabilizing agents, preservatives. Here is a list of ingredients on a well-known margarine that I found online: "water, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, salt, emulsifiers (soy lecithin, vegetable monoglycerides), xantham gum, preservatives (potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate), artificial flavor, vitamin a palmitate, colored with beta carotene (a source of vitamin A)."

Okay, raise your hand if you would willingly walk into a grocery store and ask where they kept the potassium sorbate? And do they have the vegetable monoglycerides in the produce department or where? Are these ingredients you want to eat all by themselves?

THAT is the question you need to ask yourself before you eat something—is there any one ingredient in that long list of ingredients on the back of the box, bag or package, that you would willingly to eat, all by itself?

If the answer is NO, then you are not eating REAL food. "Foods" like that are manufactured and processed and fabricated out of partially real food and a whole lot of chemical additives.

As much as possible, let's get back to REAL food! The kind with single ingredient lists even! When I'm speaking, I'll hold up an apple and ask my audience, "What's in this?" Everyone yells, "APPLE!" and laughs! When I hold up a package of apple flavored chips or fruit leathers or some such thing, I'll ask the same thing and everyone mumbles and looks at each other. You know why, too, don't you? Because we don't know. We can guess, but we really don't know unless we read the list. And even then, can you identify half that stuff?

This is the stuff we're giving our children for snacks. This is the stuff we're eating because it's only 100 calories (there is a proliferation of expensive 100 calorie snacks out there!). This is the stuff we're wasting our money on and then we complain because food costs so much at the grocery store, we've got visible body clutter issues that we're unhappy about and we're hungry all the time!

Real food is the answer to ALL of this. It's cheaper (oh yes it is!!), it takes up more room in your tummy, quells your appetite and feeds you both body AND soul. Real food helps you lose the body clutter—both the kind you can see and the kind you can't.

It's time to take a stand ladies (and gents). Real food has been around since your great grandmother. It doesn't have fancy names, huge expensive PR campaigns or any other gimmick going on. Real food is FUEL for living the kind of lives we want!

Will you join me in eating REAL food this week? Let's get REAL and stop the insanity of all this crazy mixed up fake food! It's literally weighing us down and wrecking our health!

Leanne Ely
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